Changing Laravel’s default public directory

Sometimes on the servers I work on I need to change the “public” directory to “content.” To do this I create my own “Application.php” class, extending Laravel’s Application class and override the publicPath method.

Next, I update bootstrap/app.php and create the $app instance using my Application class.

I don’t use server.php but, if you did, you’d need to update the following lines in your public directory’s index file too:

Configuring PHPStorm to run PHPUnit Tests with Homestead

I use PHPStorm to run my local server with the Homestead virtual machine on Vagrant. In the past all my testing was command line but I thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to use PHPStorm’s testing features?” So, after much Googling and failing here’s a video on how to run tests on a remove server, even Homestead, using PHPStorm’s tools.

The steps:

  • Configure Server in “Deployment” settings
  • Setup your project’s CLI Interpreter to use this Server
  • Setup PHPUnit in PHPStorm to run tests through the CLI configuration and use your phpunit.xml file for config.

PHP Basics: str_replace

PHP’s str_replace function can by used to find/replace characters in a given string. Check out the video for more. You can learn more about str_replace on

I’ve decided to do some videos cover very basic PHP functions. While this isn’t useful for seasoned developers, I once was new to all this stuff and completely confused by everything I read. With that in mind, I hope this series of videos helps those of us that are just starting out.